The 4WD guided tour to Brachina Gorge is
highly recommended. The Flinders Ranges
started to form about 800 million years
ago, and a large part of the sediment
deposits representing the sequence of the
history of the formation of the Earth have
been exposed along the Brachina Gorge
Geological Trail. The 20 km gorge has
exposed rocks and sediment that provides
a geological history that progressively
becomes older up to a period 650 million
years ago, allowing you to take a virtual journey along a “corridor through time”. Features along the
trail include “Stromatolites” representing some of the earliest evidence of life, products of the
ancient ice age, debris from a large meteorite impact 580 million years ago, and evidence of some
of the oldest animal life that started to form 540 million years ago.
The Flinders Ranges yield some of the most spectacular sunsets, so it is definitely worth also
considering joining a 4WD Sunset Tour.
Make sure you allow time for a scenic flight around the Pound either on your arrival or departure. It
is advisable to check with one of the local scenic flight operators for current procedures so as to fit in
with their operations and to get any tips. When I was there last, the normal route was to fly
clockwise around Wilpena Pound and Brachina Gorge. Early morning or late afternoon when the sun
is low will give the best view. Remember to also look out to the west where you should be able to
see the vast expanse of Lake Torrens.
You can go home via Broken Hill again, or use Wilpena Pound as a stepping stone to explore other
interesting (relatively) close destinations such as Parachilna (Prairie Hotel), Andamooka, Arkaroola,
White Cliffs etc
Fuel: There is normally no AVGAS available for sale at Rawnsley Park. Nearest fuel is either
Broken Hill (East), Leigh Creek (North), or Port Augusta (South).
Pickup from airfield: Remember to arrange your pickup from Rawnsley Park airfield prior to
your departure.
Tie downs: Bring a tie down kit for your aircraft. Visitor parking at Rawnsley Park is south of
the shed.
Camera: This is one trip where you do not want to forget your camera!
ALA’s & Unsealed Airfields: Check with the CFI for approvals for operations of club aircraft
into ALA’s. Take care with propeller speed to avoid stone damage. Sweep any loose stones
away from beneath the prop prior to starting. (A small broom can be useful)
Rawnsley Park – For booking at Rawnsley Park Resort, airstrip details and permission. Tony & Julie Smith, 08 8648 0030,
Wilpena Pound Resort -